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Parkinson's Pledge


The Global Parkinson's Pledge was launched to inspire a global Parkinson’s movement to make Parkinson’s a priority health, social, and economic issue and to advance research to find a cure.

Advancing the Cure | Providing the Care | Raising the Consciousness

More than 25,000 people from 113 countries have signed the pledge.   Have YOU signed it? 

By signing the pledge, you will be joining a global Parkinson's movement for change. The Pledge is the lasting legacy of the World Parkinson Congress 2010 in Glasgow, Scotland. It will be used by the global Parkinson's community to highlight the urgency of better care for people with Parkinson's and when we reach 100,000 signatures, we will present this pledge to the World Health Organisation and other leading government bodies to help showcase the urgent need to invest in better care options for people living with chronic degenerative disease such as Parkinson's.

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Read messages of support for the Parkinson's Pledge from around the world and send us YOUR organization's statement of support at

Parkinson's Movement fully endorses the aims and objectives of the Parkinson's Pledge. Parkinson's is a world problem and requires concerted global action by the Parkinson's community to bring an end to this pernicious disease. Parkinson's Movement stands shoulder to shoulder with the WPC in supporting this initiative.
Jon Stamford, PhD
Parkinson's Movement

Parkinson's Disease Society Singapore is pleased to support the pledge that has been issued by the WPC 2010 attendees. We encourage Government, medical sector as well as other concerned family and friends, to sign the pledge. This pledge will be our ongoing statement for the future of all People with Parkinson's.
Julie Lau
Parkinson's Disease Society Singapore

The World Parkinson Congress is pleased to be able to launch this Global Parkinson's Pledge written and designed for the international Parkinson's community. As a pledge open to anyone touched by Parkinson's, it reminds us that moving the Parkinson's agenda forward is something everyone can participate in. You don't have to be a politician or world leader to sign this pledge. The more names we gather on the pledge, the bigger the message will be regarding how many people are affected by this disease and the quicker we'll draw attention to our need to offer better care for patients and in finding a cure.
Stanley Fahn, M.D.
Former President & Founder
World Parkinson Coalition Inc

This pledge is a solid statement of our common mission to end Parkinson's and care for those who live with it, but pledges in themselves are not self-executing.  They require the dedicated action of many thousands of individuals, toiling quietly in clinics, government agencies, corporate boardrooms and many other places to get the actual work done.   It is the challenge of this action that inspires the Parkinson's Disease Foundation in the United States and the many other organizations around the world that work tirelessly and passionately to execute this pledge. As our U.K. colleagues like to say, let's "get a move on”!
Robin Anthony Elliott
Parkinson's Disease Foundation
United States

The launch of the World Parkinson Congress Declaration is an exciting opportunity for the international Parkinson's community to bring attention to Parkinson's disease as a major health, social and economic priority. This Declaration is another step forward in building a global Parkinson's movement. Parkinson Society Canada is committed to being an active participant in this ongoing collaboration that will benefit the 6.3 million people living with Parkinson's around the world.

Le lancement de la déclaration du Congrès mondial sur la maladie de Parkinson offre une occasion unique à tous ceux, partout dans le monde, qui sont touchés par la maladie de Parkinson d'attirer l'attention sur cette maladie et d'en faire une priorité en matière de santé, de société et d'économie. Cette déclaration contribue à la création d'un mouvement mondial visant à combattre la maladie de Parkinson. La Société Parkinson Canada est déterminée à participer activement à cette collaboration continue qui bénéficiera aux 6,3 millions de personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson dans le monde.
Joyce Gordon
Executive Director
Parkinson Society Canada

We're championing the global Parkinson's pledge because we are passionate about finding a cure and improving life for everyone affected by Parkinson's.
It's easy to get involved and make a real difference to the lives of people with Parkinson's and you'll be joining a vibrant global Parkinson's community to work towards finding a cure. So join me and sign up today.
Steve Ford
Chief Executive
Parkinson's UK

Parkinson's Australia is pleased to support the pledge that has been issued by the WPC 2010 attendees. We encourage all Members of the various State bodies, as well as other concerned family and friends, to sign the pledge. This pledge will be our ongoing statement for the future of all People with Parkinson's.
John Silk, OAM
Former Vice President
Parkinson's Australia


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